Have been taking Dayly for about one month now and am finding some progress. Severity of symptoms is subsiding and my bowels are keeping regular. Had a spike in symptoms at about the 3 week mark but Clare explained what was going on and that issue passed after about 10 days (normal part of process). Enjoyed the vanilla flavour, now onto the chocolate flavour (preference is vanilla over chocolate). Clare has been so helpful on this journey to date (thank you!). After 3.5 years of suffering with severe IBS (even where water caused pain for me at the beginning), I’m seeing really good progress with this product!
I am 4.5 weeks in and it is working very well. There is a lot less bloating, I can eat more of the foods that I haven't been able to in the past. Looking forward to seeing the results after using this for a few months.
Hey lauren,
Clare here founder of DAYLY. I'm glad you're starting to see some results as it's still very early days! DAYLY typically takes 6-8 weeks to reach full effect, so stick with it and take it consistently and I can't wait to see how you progress!
Always here if you have any questions along the way,
Clare :)
Daily Gut Health is a fantastic choice for maintaining your digestive well-being. It's a delightful blend that you can enjoy every day, and its pleasant flavor makes it an easy addition to your routine.
My whole family is loving our Dayly Gut health. Flavours are delicious and very versatile 😊 Superfruits is one of our favs! Very refreshing!
By the first week my tummy cramps had gone and flatulence greatly decreased.
After 3 weeks I have normal bowel movements (no more diarrhoea) and my tummy is flatter.
I’m currently on holiday and snuck in a few naughty things that I could not previously eat with my IBS. I have greatly improved and friends tell me I’m happier. I’ve even lost a few kilos!